A Reflection on 2020

With 2020 coming to an end, it will go down as a year which nobody could have imagined. The Covid-19 Virus has impacted most businesses, and ours was no exception.  But with challenge comes opportunity for improvement and learning.  Early on I knew that getting through the pandemic would not be our only goal.  I wanted to take the opportunity to reorganize, continue to develop technologies and embrace the new normal to ensure that as an organization we would emerge stronger.  I am confident we achieved those goals.  I am proud of the work that our team did this year in supporting our customers, vendors as well as each other.  I am thankful for our agencies, vendors and clients for their commitments to our relationship and partnership through extremely volatile times. 

We are all faced with unknowns about the future and we all know that 2021 will be different. There has been a lot made of the idea of returning to a “new normal.” I am hopeful that we strive for a “better normal” one where we have all embraced the learnings that we have experienced this year.

Eric Hezinger – President Domestic and International Freight Forwarding Division